Posted by: will | May 11, 2006


Ampere/Sinaloa "Split Recording" (Ebullition)

This split recording between Ampere and Sinaloa is a perfect example of the dichotomy that exists within the screamo/hardcore genres. It's peculiar that bands with such different asthetics can fall into the same genre. That's certainly the case with Ampere and Sinaloa though.

Ampere occupy the harsher, more chaotic end of the screamo/hardcore genre. Emo-violence anyone? With members of Wolves and Orchid, it certainly makes sense that Ampere follow that lineage and sound. While the band does slow it down at times it surely seems that they never come up for breath on their side of this split recording. They roll through seven songs in less than ten minutes. The passion that flows from Ampere's songs is a thing of beauty. I bet the band absolutely destroys live.

Sinaloa, on the other hand, touch on the more emotive and melodic side of the screamo/hardcore spectrum. It's no surprise that I prefer the Sinaloa songs on this split recording. I'm at the age where I definitely prefer melodic to harsh. It's also a fact that I believe Sinaloa is one of, if not the best band playing this style today. They bring to mind so many influential bands from the past like Rites Of Spring and Moss Icon. However, the band puts their own, more modern day, spin on the sound. Their songs pack so much emotion and pure heart into a genre that has become far too stale through the years. As usual, Sinaloa includes explanations of each song along with their standard amazing lyrics. It's a genuine touch that the band has added to all their recordings. Do yourself a favor and check out Sinaloa's last record, Footprints On Floorboards as well. Everything this band puts out continues to be gold. It's almost overwhelming how good this band is at times.

This is a fanstastic split recording for both bands. Sinaloa wins out on this one but not by as much of a margin as I intially would have expected. As usual, the lyric sheet and the writings provided by both bands are a powerful and uplifting read. If you want to hear two bands playing truly meaningful music for all the right reasons you simply cannot go wrong here.

RIYL: Moss Icon, Orchid, Rites Of Spring

Listen: Ampere – At It's Heart & At It's Head (mp3)

Listen: Sinaloa – Tongue To Teeth (mp3)

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